Sunday, December 26, 2010

Imaginary Landscape Turned Real

Daily Practice
Journal Size

SNOW!! YAHOO! Though this work was a practice piece, the scene became real this morning as we woke to snow covring the ground and falling!! YAHOO!!

We'll see snow fall most of the day and with the cold temps, it'll remain on the ground for a while. It's been almost 30 years since our part of NC has seen a white Christmas!

I'll be with my granddaughters for a few days and so will be scarce at the computer....I'll catch up as things quiet down!! With two wee ones, it's non-stoping doing!! And with the snow--even more go-go! LOL

Have a wonderful day!


Teri said...

Gee, it looks just like this in Wisconsin too. lol
Beautiful winter scene!
Isn't it great to enjoy the season?!

Lorraine said...

LOL I thought of you last night as we watched the weather and saw that the "Southland" would be receiving snow and knew how excited you would be!!! Enjoy dear friend.

Your painting is, as usual, gorgeous, and my favorite part is the fir tree (of course) -- the shape, the lovely way the snow and dark complement each other -- just beautiful.
Big hugs,