Monday, July 19, 2010

My Grape Tomatoes - Lin Frye

My Grape Tomatoes
Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

This has been a very good year for grape tomatoes -- and these in my garden are producing TONS of 1 1/2"-2" orbs of sweet, juicy fruit.

I have planted several varieties -- but like tags of all kinds, they've become lost or weather worn -- but I know which I've ordered from Johnny's Seeds, and I'll order them again. Despite the drought, the bouts of rain, the intense high temperatues, my scanty weekend watering, these sweet things have been growing and producing like nothing else in my garden.

Before I left to visit my grands, I picked several quarts, and picked TWICE as much when I got home. The hum of the dehydrator has been going non-stop as we slice and dry and save these for winter use. I've put up my special summer tomato sauce to enjoy mid-winter too -- when I'm desperate to remember sunny weather. What a gift of the Americas - the tomato!

We had another good rain last night with predictions of possible showers this afternoon. I'm delighted!!

Lin Frye
North Carolina
North Carolina

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