Sunday, July 05, 2009


Originally uploaded by linfrye
Daily Practice

I hope everyone had a grand 4th yesterday! Ours was filled with chores - we put in a walkway, put up 2 batches of peach jam, made patty pan lasagna from our harvest of squash, picked some blueberries, etc. etc. A good day, but both of us are mighty tired and sore today!

I got this sketch done in between things, but I want to give it another go trying to use some of the things I've been studying and trying to loosen us some of the washes. I got carried away with trying to get the skins on the peaches to 'look' like fuzzy skin - and I missed getting the juiciness of the cut fruit ... oh well, try again today! I've another 1/4 bushel to render before the day ends ...! LOL

Hope you have a 'peachy' day today! We're hoping for some of those 'spotty' showers to find their way to our garden today ....!


Anonymous said...

Oh these look good enough to eat and exactly like the ones on my counter. I had cheerios this morning with peaches and blueberries. Yum.
I think you did a great job in all areas.

Joan said...

These do look yummy!!! I find I often try to be too realistic in painting things and going for the "fuzz" too. This is nice, but the looser one above does have more life to it.